Pay Monthly Prices

The Fighting Arts Academy has always been about sharing the joys of the martial arts with everyone - it is not about making money. The organisation is run to break even. Fees go towards paying for equipment, coaching, insurance and gym rental. Profit is reinvested in the club.

Heavily discounted monthly deals are available by direct debit.

To really start seeing the benefits of martial-arts training, regular dedication and commitment is required.

We wanted to create a payment structure that is affordable, fair and flexible for those trying to maximise their training opportunities. We also wanted something that keeps the administrative burden low so we can spend more time on the mat (and less time doing admin).

Heavily discounted monthly direct debit payment options are available as part of a membership package.

Pay Monthly students, also need Annual Club Membership which covers personal indemnity insurance and required affiliations. Annual membership is automatically setup for students sign up to our pay monthly plans.

£60 - Kids Monthly Deal




Discounted from the pay-as-you-train rate of £120!

Please note that this kids monthly deal does not include fees for our invite-only advanced kids classes which need to be paid for separately.

£90 - Adults Monthly Deal




HUGELY Discounted from the pay-as-you-train rate (£10 per class)

All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. Unused classes cannot be "carried over" to the next month. We reserve the right to change these prices at our discretion (typically when classes get added/removed to the curriculum)

Unlike most gyms, there is no minimum lock-in period for monthly deals so you can cancel at anytime.

Pay Monthly students, also need to pay for insurance / affiliation which is part of our Annual Membership.

This keeps our mat safe.

Yearly Membership, Personal Indemnity Insurance and Affiliations

Your safety and the safety of those around you is our priority.

Annual Club Membership fee of £60

This membership is automatically setup as an ANNUAL DIRECT DEBIT for students sign up to our pay monthly plans.

This membership basic personal indemnity insurance for the practitioner through the Martial Arts Association of Great Britain and also registers their training licence on their systems. This central record ensures we have a place to store emergency contact details as well as details of any injuries, allergies or medical conditions coaches should be aware of.

In addition this fee secures your BJJ rank through affiliation with Arlans Siqueira Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (as part of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) which allows you to compete globally.

In addition we are seeking affiliation with the UKMF (UK Muay Thai Federation). The UKMF is part of a World wide body who strive to unite and regulate Muay Thai associations around the globe including the World Muay Thai Council, the International Federation of Muay Thai and the European Muay Thai Federation.

These affiliations help unite and regulate Muay Thai & BJJ associations around the globe and give us access to the competition circuit.


Special Rates, Scholarships and Family Discounts

There are some circumstances where special rates to our fee structure can apply.

(Paid up membership and monthly payment terms are a pre-requisite for these discounts to apply)

COACHES (and family) - NO FEES

MEMBER SCHOLARSHIPS (at Head Coaches discretion) - NO FEES

ASSISTANT COACHES - 20% Discount on monthly fees

FAMILY DISCOUNT - Discounts available depending on numbers - Please ask a coach

[Coaches Only]